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Customize your instance

Own logo, icons etc.

In the path storage/client-overrides create the folder assets and in this folder another one with the name images. If you followed the installation instructions the full path is /var/www/peertube/storage/client-overrides/assets/images.

There you have to place files with the same names like the ones in client/dist/assets/images e.g. add a logo.svg to replace the default logo or add a favicon.png to replace the default favicon.

You don't have recreate all files you can find in client/dist/assets/images. If you leave some of them out PeerTube will just fallback to the default ones (see also the explanation for client_overrides in the config file).

Install a theme

You can install themes created by the PeerTube community in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> Plugins/Themes -> Search themes.

Then, you can set your default instance theme in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> Configuration -> Basic.

Your users will be able to override this setting in their preference, so they can choose another theme among those you have installed.

Learn how to create a theme:

Customize your instance CSS

If you just want to update some elements of your instance, you can also inject some CSS code configured in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced.

It's easy to change the main PeerTube colors using CSS variables using:

body#custom-css {
  --primary: #E8252D;

See the theme documentation for an overview of the PeerTube variable system.

Install a plugin

Administrators can install plugins to change the behaviour of their PeerTube application. Plugins can inject CSS, change the UI and the server logic.

A plugin could for example:

  • Hide some buttons (counters, menu entries...)
  • Reject specific comments or videos (depending on many criterias)
  • Put videos in quarantine
  • Add client analytics (Matomo plugin, etc.)
  • Add a CAPTCHA in the registration form (see CAPTCHA plugins)
  • Block some IPs
  • Customize the player
  • Add auth methods to your PeerTube instance (LDAP, OpenId, etc.)
  • ...

You can install plugins created by the PeerTube community in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> Plugins/Themes -> Search plugins.

Learn how to create a plugin:

Inject JavaScript in client

If you just want to update a particular client behaviour of your instance, you can also inject some JavaScript code configured in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced.