Publish a video or a live
Upload a video
To publish a video you have to click the Publish button in the Left Menu. Once clicked you have 3 ways to upload a video:
- by selecting a file on your device;
- by importing an online video by its URL;
- by importing an online video by its URI (torrent).
Upload a file
Once you have to click the Publish button in the left menu:
- select which channel you want to upload your video (can be done/change after upload);
- select privacy settings for this video (can be done/change after upload);
- click Select file to upload button.
While the video is uploading you can set some details.
Import with URL
If the administrator of your instance enabled this option, you can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a raw MP4 file. To do so, you have to:
- click the Publish button in the left menu;
- click Import with URL tab;
- paste your video's url into URL field;
- select which channel you want to upload your video (can be done/change after upload);
- select privacy settings for this video (can be done/change after upload);
- click Import button.
You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
While the video is uploading you can set some details.
Import with torrent
If the administrator of your instance enabled this option, you can import any torrent file that points to a mp4 file. To do so, you have to:
- click the Publish button in the left menu;
- click Import with torrent tab;
- select a
file on your commputer or paste magnet URI of a video; - select which channel you want to upload your video (can be done/change after upload);
- select privacy settings for this video (can be done/change after upload);
- click Import button.
You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
While the video is uploading you can set some details.
Publish a live
If the administrator of your instance enabled this option, you can create a live using PeerTube and a streaming software (for example OBS). To do so, you have to:
- click the Publish button in the left menu;
- click Go live tab;
- select which channel you want to publish your live;
- select privacy settings for this live;
- select if you want:
- a Normal live: stream only once, replay will replace your live
- a Permanent/recurring live: stream multiple times, replays will be separate videos
- click Go Live button.
In the publication form, you have a Live settings tab that allows you to:
- See the RTMP URL to put in your streaming software
- See the live stream key associated to this live, to put in your streaming software. It is a private key, allowing anyone to stream a video in this live so don't share it with anyone!
Now you're ready to go live!
Live examples
With OBS
In this example we'll use OBS software to send a stream to PeerTube, but you can use any streaming software that can stream videos using the RTMP protocol.
- Open OBS on your computer
- Click on Settings (or: File in top bar > Settings)
- Click on Streams tab
- Choose Custom service
- Fill Server input using the PeerTube RTMP URL
- Fill Stream key input using your live stream key
- Do not use authentication and click on OK
- Stream whatever your want and click on Start streaming. After some time, you'll be able to see your live in the PeerTube interface.
With Jitsi Meet
If you want to broadcast a webinar or a conference very easily, you can also use Jitsi Meet for recording the event, and rely on PeerTube for streaming it live. It is very useful if you have an expected audience too big for Jitsi to handle, but actually only a few people talking.
- Create a chat room on a Jitsi server
- Click on the menu (3-points icon at the bottom-right of the screen)
- Click on Start live stream
- You will be asked a Youtube live stream key. Actually, there is a way to make it work with PeerTube : simply paste the PeerTube RTMP URL followed by the PeerTube live stream key (you may have to add a slash in-between).
- Click Start live stream, you may heard "The stream has started" and see your live on PeerTube after some time.
Video fields
Basic info
- Title: the name of the video (something more catchy than
for example 😉 ); - Tags: tags can be used to suggest revelant recommandations. 5 tags maximum. You have to press enter to add one;
- Description: text you want to display above your video (supports markdown) - you can see how it looks above;
- Channel: in which channel you want to add your video;
- Category: what kind of content is your video (Activism? How to? Music?);
- Licence:
- Attribution,
- Attribution - Share Alike,
- Attribution - No Derivatives,
- Attribution - Non Commercial,
- Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike,
- Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives,
- Public Domain Dedication;
- Language: what is the main language in the video;
- Privacy: public, internal, unlisted, private. See what it means;
- Contains sensitive content?: Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.
Automatic transcription PeerTube >= 6.2
If enabled by the instance admin, uploaded videos will automatically be subtitled. You still can edit or remove these subtitles after they are published.
Manual transcription
This tab allows you to add subtitles to your video. To add one, you have to:
- go to Captions tab;
- click Add a caption button;
- select the caption language in the list;
- click Select the caption file button;
- browse into your computer file to select your
file; - click Add this caption button;
- click Publish / Update button.
Your caption is now available by clicking > Subtitles/CC and selecting the language.
To delete a caption you have to:
- click Delete button in front of the language you want to delete;
- click Update button.
Transcription widget
Users can open a transcription widget to display subtitles next to the video (see here).
Chapters PeerTube >= 6.0
To add chapters, you have to:
- click on … under your video
- click Update
- click Chapters tab
- add:
- a timestamp (
) of the beginning of the chapter into Timecode field - a name for the chapter in Chapter name field
- a timestamp (
- repeat as many times as necessary the steps above
- click Update button
You can delete a chapter by clicking button in front of a chapter, and play the preview video to identify the timestamp.
Note that chapters can automatically be imported:
- from a video container
- from the external video platform when you import a video
- from the video description using
timecode chaptername
my super video description
00:00 chapter 1
00:05 my super chapter 2
10:05 awesome chapter 3
other description stuff
Advanced settings
This tab allows you:
- to edit your preview image by selecting an image from your device or select a frame of the video;
- to add a short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...);
- change the original publication date;
- to choose if you want:
- to disable video comments
- to enable comment (with approval if you set an auto tag policy)
- that any new comment requires an approval
- disable/enable download of your video.
Click Update button to save your new settings.
Video confidentiality options: what do they mean?
- Public: your video is public. Everyone can see it (by using search engine, link or embed);
- Internal: only authenticated user having an account on your instance can see your video. Users searching from another instance or having the link without being authentifaced can't see it;
- Unlisted: only people with the private link can see this video; the video is not visible without its link (can't be found by searching);
- Private: only you can see the video;
- Password protected: only users with the appropriate password can see this video; PeerTube >= 6.0
- Scheduled: hide the video until a specific date, where the video becomes public.
Upload a new version of a video PeerTube >= 6.0
This option has to be enabled by the instance administrator.
Uploading a new version of your video will completely erase the current version!
To upload a new version of a video, you have to:
- click on the button under your video
- click Update
- click Advanced settings tab
- click Select the file to upload button on Replace video file section
- browse to find the new version of the video
- click Confim button
- click Update button.
The re-upload date is displayed under the video player.