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Admins can use PeerTube logs to understand what happens on their instances. There are two types of logs.

Standard logs

Logs HTTP requests and instance related information depending on the log level (debug, info, warn or error) defined in the configuration.

Logs can be read:

To change the instance log level:

  • Classic install: In the configuration (production.yaml) under log -> level key
  • Docker install: In your .env, PEERTUBE_LOG_LEVEL variable

To apply your changes, you must restart PeerTube.

Audit logs

Logs resources creation/update/deletion with the user who did the action.

Resources can be:

  • Videos
  • Video imports
  • Comments
  • Video channels
  • Video abuses
  • Custom config


audit[13/12/2019 à 15:31:31]By chocobozzz ->videos -> update

  "user": "chocobozzz",
  "domain": "videos",
  "action": "update",
  "video-tags": [],
  "video-uuid": "1974ddde-3d83-4cfa-af68-5ab77f588c9d",
  "video-id": 89655,
  "video-createdAt": "2019-12-13T14:31:26.525Z",
  "video-updatedAt": "2019-12-13T14:31:27.175Z",
  "video-publishedAt": "2019-12-13T14:31:27.175Z",
  "video-description": null,
  "video-duration": 2,
  "video-isLocal": true,
  "video-name": "60fps_small",
  "video-thumbnailPath": "/static/thumbnails/1974ddde-3d83-4cfa-af68-5ab77f588c9d.jpg",
  "video-previewPath": "/static/previews/1974ddde-3d83-4cfa-af68-5ab77f588c9d.jpg",
  "video-nsfw": false,
  "video-waitTranscoding": true,
  "video-account-id": 37855,
  "video-account-name": "chocobozzz",
  "video-channel-id": 5187,
  "video-channel-name": "chocobozzz_channel",
  "video-support": null,
  "video-commentsEnabled": true,
  "video-downloadEnabled": true,
  "new-video-updatedAt": "2019-12-13T14:31:31.538Z",
  "new-video-name": "test video"

Can be read in your logs directory or in the web interface in the Left Menu -> Administration section -> Settings -> System -> Logs.